Reflections from the Lives of Umm Musa and Hajar (peace be upon them) as Mothers

Reflections from the lives of Umm Musa and Hajar (peace be upon them) as mothers

Mom Guilt.

What does that mean to you?

Does it mean feeling guilty when you are not there for them?
Does it mean feeling guilty when you think you could be a better mother?
Does it mean feeling guilty when your house is a mess, and your mental state is not at best?
Does it mean feeling guilty when you sneak into your room for some mental peace, or to enjoy a chocolate or two, away from the turmoil of stress?
Does it mean feeling when you acknowledge YOU need time-off from the chaos in your life?
Does it mean feeling guilty that you are doing everything you can, yet there is no peace?

Motherhood – a part of life that may seem to take away a part of you.
And with most mothers, they lose their identity as themselves as they take on the identity of a mother.

Looking at the lives of Umm Musa and Hajar (peace be upon them) as mothers, a major lesson I learnt from them was that they were brave mothers who took efforts and did their part by trusting their gut instincts from Allah, whilst having firm reliance on Him. 

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